Bartholomew County Works Class!

Looking for a job? Bartholomew County Works may just be what you are looking for!

In two years, over 80 people have completed the weeklong Bartholomew County Works workshop which helped them find great jobs! Every single person said it was WELL WORTH IT!

But BCW wasn’t done yet – these folks (Bartholomew County Works Members) met with a Self-Sufficiency Coach and team to find a great job! They worked alongside each other finding jobs of interest, applying, preparing for interviews and GETTING A HIGHER PAYING JOB! Along the way and after securing a better job, the Self-Sufficiency Coach helped BCW Members address barriers in their lives – things like transportation, childcare, attire and relationships – to help Members KEEP these jobs!

How can YOU become a member of BCW? It’s easy! Ask yourself these few questions…

Are you motivated to better your life?
Are you seeking a higher-paying, good benefit job?
Are you a resident of Bartholomew County?

If you said, YES YES YES, give LCNFC a call at 812-379-1630 to set up an appointment. You will fill out paperwork with the Self-Sufficiency Coach to determine if BCW is right for you at this time.

Workshops are held monthly, so call us today!